Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bramer's book in Korean

About 6 years ago I coauthored a commentary on Genesis with Dr. Kenn Gangel (who recently passed away) in the Holman Old Testament Commentary series edited by Max Anders ( Yesterday I received a copy of a book in Korean with the translated English title "Main Idea." Apparently (since I am struggling to read Korean!) it is the Korean translation of the commentary I coauthored. It does has my name on it (in English: click on the photo to the right and you can get a larger view of the front cover) and I'll get one of my Korean students at DTS to take a look at it and assure me that the translation doesn't have me writing heresy! I (By the way, the dedication of this book was to my daughter Sarah who proofread it and made great suggestions on it to me. Her name is still on the dedication page of the Korean translation!) I'll post the back cover and dedication page at the bottom of this post. I have a sabbatical coming up in two years (I was asked to postpone it from 2010-2011 so I could have two years in my new position as Chair of the Bible Exposition Department) and this encourages me to continue to think about writing something during that time that would be of help to pastors and other believers in the local church. I'm thinking right now of something from the OT prophets since they are not used much and many struggle to understand them even in their devotional reading. Any ideas from those of you who know me or have heard me preach or teach? (A really good suggestion could get you mentioned in the forward of the book!)


  1. This is great Dad,thanks for posting pictures I will have to blog about this as well. I've never been mentioned in a Korean book, to my knowledge!

    I'm going to see if it's available in Canada. Congratulations on your increasingly international influence!

  2. Thanks for sharing Dr. Bramer. Perhaps a book on Preaching through the Prophets, Expositional Keys to the Prophets, or even something devotionally focused such as "Speaking God's Word: Devotional Readings and Expositions from the Prophets." I may be way off but would love for you to write something that helps pastors and missionaries by making the prophets not only more accessible but also more teachable and relevant to the lives of their people.
