Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Father-in-law in is heaven now

My father-in-law Harley Orman Howard died yesterday morning. He had stayed in our home shortly after his wife Betty had passed away and it became evident that he was suffering from early stage Alzheimers. He lived with us for a number of years until it was necessary to get him 24 hour care in a nursing home. We said goodbye to him over the years. Early this past Sunday morning Sharon and I went over and whispered in his ear about heaven and the Lord and then prayed with him. He gave some indication he was conscious of us being there and hearing but it was clear he was not going to last long. Sharon saw him again Monday and he held tightly to her hand. He died Tuesday morning. Below are some comments from our daughter Sarah. She lives in Vancouver and is flying down Saturday for the service on Sunday.
"My Grandaddy died today. What you need to know about Harley O. Howard: Fought in WWII where he traded army-issue cigarettes for chocolate bars, took us to the beach and always wore pants, grew a garden in an empty lot across the street, saved change in piggy banks with our names on them, was known to dance in the the living room and say things like "snap my garter let my socks roll down!" The man in a nutshell.
Alzheimer's meant saying goodbye to him a long time ago so we're glad he's finally done with this life and on to the next. He's with Grandma, he has his memories back, his knees work and he's in perfect health."
We plan to have a short service on Sunday and then his body will be flown back to Norfolk, Virginia where he will be buried beside his wife.

I just saw my daughter Sarah's blog on her grandaddy. I think your would enjoy reading it at

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