Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Today after an orientation meeting with Chuck and Cynthia Swindoll, a number of us walked down to Joppa — the port to which David and Solomon brought cedars from Lebanon so they could build their palaces and of course the Temple, the site of Jonah's ship flight from God, the location of the raising of Dorcas by Peter and of Peter's vision which challenged his long held beliefs of what God wanted from him. I had a short devotional there in which I challenge those present to open their eyes to see all that we would observe during this tour, but especially to open their eyes spiritually to see all that God wants us to understand in the 10 days ahead as we walk this land.
Tomorrow we start early to travel 35 miles north to Caesarea just like Peter did when he traveled to see Cornelius and open the Christian church to Gentiles and not only Jews.
It has been an unusually warm (hot) day today in Israel for March. They recently received a couple inches of rain so everything is wonderfully green Hope your spiritual life is growing too.

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